Who are we?

Why Eivismart?

Our technical office offers engineering services and smart homes in the field of building and housing, with the aim of proposing solutions that improve the efficiency, comfort and safety of people, without neglecting aesthetics and the environment.

Most architectural and engineering firms offer services that do not integrate all building-related systems and installations. As a result, they do not achieve solutions that offer the maximum performance and energy savings that would be possible when using system integration techniques.

Our technical team has experience in sectors such as construction, automotive and aeronautics, where these techniques are already successfully applied.

We have an innovative spirit, we love challenges and we are here to help, so get in touch with us and let us know about your projects. See you soon!

Our pillars

Energy management application

Energy management

Self-sufficiency and self-supply are current concepts that respond to the growing need to reduce energy dependence on external production sources and supplies. Moving towards a future where one can generate and store one's own energy and then make it available when needed is already a reality that our engineers can make possible.

Climate management application


Well-being and comfort in the home are essential pillars in today's society. At EiviSmart, we can offer you solutions to improve your day-to-day life and automate processes that improve your comfort at home.

Alarm management application


The problem of security in the home is one of the factors that generates most concern. In our technical department, we offer advice and solutions adapted to your needs, providing you with tools to monitor the state of your home and alerting you to potentially dangerous situations.

Our team

Industrial and Aeronautical Engineer

Albert Marí

I have experience in sectors such as automotive and aeronautics, where I have worked in companies such as Rolls-Royce or Renault, for almost 10 years. I currently bring my knowledge of integration technologies and control systems to the smart home projects we design for our clients, using the most cutting-edge systems integration methodologies.

Electrical Engineer

Marc Marí

I consider myself a lucky person to have been able to enjoy this wonderful island "Ibiza" since my childhood. Based on the enormous respect I feel for it, I try to focus my knowledge on renewable energies and smart grids to make it a more sustainable and comfortable place. Thanks to the rapid and constant growth of technology, it is now possible to build a zero emission house or passive house.

The Limit? Your Imagination
Do you have a project and do not know how to carry it out?
Do you have an idea for your home, hotel or building and you have doubts about whether it is possible to make it a reality?
We work with the best brands and communication protocols such as Control4, Loxone and KNX to make it happen.
contact us